1. What are you attracting into your life right now? 2. How can you begin attracting more of what you really want?
If you find that something is missing in your life then you just might have found the answer here. Universal laws govern the universe and these basic principles of life have been around since the very onset of creation itself. These laws apply everywhere, to everyone and to everything. Every second of every day. Are you aware that the Law of Attraction is working in your life right now, right at this very moment. Whether you are aware of it or not, it is. The things you have, the people in your life, the job you have, the situations you experience - everything in your life is where it is because of the simple laws of attraction. The key steps to attracting into your life the things you desire are basically very simple, and once you get the 'hang' of how to utilise these steps, you will be amazed at your magnetic powers. To invoke the law of attraction for positive gain, you must first decide in absolute specificity what it is that you desire. The next step is to visualise it in your life and really feel what it is to have it, believe that you will get it and allow yourself to have it. Understand that the Law of Attraction will not dump all you desire into your lap like magic. However, it will provide the METHODS to gain the things you want, and as you focus on your goals, the actions you take will definitely work in your favour.
1. Be very clear and specific on what you desire 2. Visualise having it, and raise your vibrations to increase the energy 3. Allow it (Avoid resisting - just say 'yes') 4. Focus on achieving your goal 5. Take the necessary action
Once the above steps are performed, you are almost there. Taking the necessary action towards reaching your goals is essential if you are to be successful. To summarise, the basic three steps to achieving the life you desire using the universal law of attraction are:
1. Ask - know exactly what it is that you choose to manifest into your life 2. Believe - know that whatever it is you ask for can really be yours 3. Receive - stay focused, take the action and it will come to you.
Everything you experience in your life is a result of the vibrations you created as an energy being being matched by similar vibrations. If you want to experience something different in your life, whether it is more money, more love, more freedom, more security, more fun, more adventure - then you need to master your vibrational frequencies. This is why people say, "things always happen in 3's". If you have a strong negative experience, then you tend to be sending out thoughts and emotions that attract more experiences of the same frequency - more negative experiences. A stubbed toe is followed by an argument with a spouse which is followed by a flat tire. The worst part is, that without awareness of the impact of thoughts and feelings, each of these incidents tends to compound the thoughts and feelings of the individual, spinning to worse and worse experiences, creating 'a really bad day'. So the truth about thoughts and feelings are:
Truth 1: Nothing exists without thought. Truth 2: Nothing is good or bad - there are only interpretations. You decide if they are pleasant or unpleasant.
I you like this article, you can read more at http://noblesilver-thesecret.blogspot.com/ by Sterling Lowery
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